2020 – present | Senior UX Engineer | Google Shopping; Google Search
Prototype features under consideration to enable XFN teams quickly evaluate feasibility, benefits/drawbacks, interaction patterns, and data quality. Work with and separately from the production stack, according to project needs, such as build a React webapp for dev speed and rich ecosystem, and connect to production backends for data.
Use JavaScript for shorter projects and TypeScript for longer ones. Focus on front-end work, implement backend as needed.
Work with multiple teams concurrently, prioritize and scope in order to provide as many teams what they need. With manager and teammates in the US, operate independently with XFN teams in Israel, Europe, US, India. Knowledge domains include Japan shopping, sports, automotives, COVID-19 vaccines, more.
Example 20% project: add dark theme to a popular (>100k MAU) internal product. Dark theme is an a11y recommendation and a top user request. Pitch to owner team, scope and design, enlist another UXE to split the work, implement, address alpha feedback, launch, clean-up. Positive feedback from team and users. Required learning the internal web app infra (Wiz), Closure templates (a.k.a. Soy), other production tech. Themes implemented as CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables), values generated in compile time from SASS variables.
Teach CSS grid to team, other UXEs, SWEs; give a talk at an internal conference for UXEs and others across the company.
Start a cross-org community of UXEs in EMEA, enabling us to lean more on each other for help in our time zones.
2018 – 2020 | Software engineer with front-end focus | Meta (formerly Facebook)
Join the team responsible for the company’s internal dashboarding product (>30k MAU). Focus on adapting the product better to varying form factors, such as small laptop displays and large non-interactive TV screens. Develop using React (classes and adopting hooks) with Flow, Hack (Meta’s PHP dialect), GraphQL with Relay.
Pitch the idea to develop a web view for mobile devices, the team’s opinion was that the required effort for an MVP is too big. Build proof of concept as a hackathon project to demonstrate actual effort is smaller, gain team approval, implement, experiment with the group (team & offshore sister teams), release.
Mentor an intern to successfully complete their project and receive an offer of employment.
2007 – 2018 | Micro Focus (formerly HP Enterprise, HP, Mercury)
2014 – 2018
Front-end team leader | Mobile Center. Lead 6 engineers, local and off-shore (China), developing the product's web app.
Responsible for design and implementation, cross-browser compatibility, integration with other products, interfaces with dev and QA teams in and out of the product, L10N of the product.
Initiate and drive front-end tech efforts such as development using ES2015+, unit and E2E testing, CSS grid; product efforts such as feature flags, branching model similar to git flow, hackathons.
Convert developers from other tech stacks to front-end engineers in my team.
2011 – 2014
Front-end developer | Mobile Center; HP Anywhere; HP Hive. Web development for desktop and mobile. Start G11N effort across the proudct. Promoted to team leader upon my request.
2007 – 2011
Back-end developer | Business Service Management.
2005 - 2008
Studied towards an M.Sc. in computer science specializing in bioinformatics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Research of massive proteins structure prediction.
2002 - 2005
B.Sc. in computer science specializing in bioinformatics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev.